
How Hard Is It To Get Into The Coast Guard Academy

The Special Activities Division, shortened to the acronym Sad, is a special division of operatives that work under the supervision of the U.s. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

SAD is considered one of the most mysterious branches of operatives in the globe.

Though technically not a military appliance, the Special Activities Division has highly specialized, trained, and versatile operatives capable of conveying out some of the nearly sophisticated top-secret missions in the world.

In that regard, Deplorable operatives are often compared to elite Tier ane special forces soldiers such as Delta Forcefulness or Navy SEAL Team vi (DEVGRU).

In fact, many of its current members are former Delta and DEVGRU operators, which you'll larn almost shortly.

What is there to know about this enigmatic organization? What are the unlike branches that operated under the CIA Special Activities Division (Pitiful)?

What is the selection procedure similar to become into this remarkably elite unit?

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1. Branches of Special Activities Division (SAD)

special activities division operatives with hamid karzai
Special Operations Division (SAD) is organized under the CIA. Image: Wikipedia

Deplorable is responsible for covert operations that fall inside the CIA branch of the United States regime. Since the operatives are oft ex-military, the special ops unit has several comparisons to other aristocracy forces like Navy SEAL Team six and Delta Forcefulness.

The CIA inverse the proper name of this elite, covert ops group to Special Activities Center in 2016.

Information technology was previously referred to as Special Activities Segmentation, and for the purposes of this article, we'll stick with Sad.

The reason for the change in title was to restructure the branches that operate nether the Special Activities Center.

At that place are two separate groups that now operate under the CIA:

1. Pitiful/SOG: The elite unit of measurement was established for tactical paramilitary operations.

2. SAD/PAG: The split up grouping is used for covert political action.

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2. Special Operations Group (SOG)

The first section with Special Activities Division is the Special Operations Grouping, or SOG.

SOG is reportedly responsible for operations that include high-threat war machine as well as covert operations.

Special Operations Group is highly important to the U.S. government because it is known to employ its services when information technology does not want to be directly associated with the mission.

CIA Deplorable members operate deep behind enemy lines. Paradigm:

Members of SOG are referred to as Paramilitary Operations Officers or Specialized Skills Officers.

Dissimilar members of direct U.S. Armed forces branches, Special Operations Group members practice not wearable any resemblance of a uniform.

Therefore, there is no directly way to associate them with the U.s.a. regime though they are highly skilled and trained combat soldiers.

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3. Political Action Group (PAG)

The Political Activeness Group, or PAG, is responsible for covert operations that deal with political influence, economic warfare, and/or psychological operations.

Though difficult to accurately define since the group is then secretive, 1 instance would exist an operative that deals with the always-increasing threat of cyber-warfare.

sad cyber ops

PAG operatives are known to "influence" missions that are used to support U.Due south. foreign policy.

For example, in the past, information technology has been rumored that PAG operators were used during insurgencies in guild to help or restrict one side that may be counterproductive to the interests of the United States.

In addition, its believed that Political Action group members clandestinely organize various regime protests and demonstrations in hostile nations.

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special activities division organizes government protests in foreign lands
The Special Activities Division organizes government protests in foreign lands. Prototype:

4. CIA Branches of SAD

Under SOG and PAG, the Special Activities Partition has four different branches:

  • Air Co-operative
  • Maritime Branch
  • Footing Co-operative
  • Armor and Special Programs Branch

SAD Ground Co-operative

Pitiful Ground Co-operativeis responsible for all covert operations handled on the ground. They are considered experts in surveillance, field and tradecraft, small-scale arms, CQB, hostage rescue, and advanced driving. In that location are several former members of Delta Force that have avant-garde to join SAD Footing Co-operative.

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Deplorable Maritime Branch

Pitiful Maritime Branchis responsible for specialized missions that involve h2o.

Therefore, the co-operative is more prone to recruit ex-SEALs compared to the ground co-operative which reportedly prefers former Delta Forcefulness.

The SAD maritime branch is the aristocracy of the elite, so naturally, they are experts in water-craft, ships, SCUBA, underwater diving, and other sophisticated maritime skills.

SAD Air Branch

Deplorable Air Branchis responsible for aviation activities, as the name suggests. There has not been quite as much reported virtually this branch of the Special Activities Division.

However, it is assumed that they are incredibly skilled pilots and aviation experts.

Armor And Special Programs

SAD Armor and Special Programs Co-operativeis non similar the other three branches in that it works more behind the scenes and non in direct combat.

Armor and Special Programs members are tasked with the development, testing, and covert collection of new personnel, armory, equipment, and transport.

The Armor and Special Programs department serves an important purpose every bit the gathering of weapons and equipment must be obtained from cloak-and-dagger sources abroad in society to have no connection to the U.South. government in the event an Special Activities Division operative is captured.

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5. Special Activities Division Choice

cia headquarters langley virginia
How do you get into the CIA Special Activities Division. Image: Wikimedia

It has been reported that there are approximately 150 paramilitaries involved with SAD, though that number cannot be confirmed as there is no way of knowing for certain.

Basically everything involving Lamentable is classified.

In fact, if a SAD operative is caught and held during a mission, it is highly probable that the U.S. authorities will deny any knowledge of his or her interest.

Therefore, it is incommunicable to know all of the details regarding the Special Activities Division, though an estimate around 150 operatives sounds plausible.

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DEVGRU and Delta Force

The incredibly low profile unit is believed to exist composed primarily of pilots and other specialists. Delta Strength and DEVGRU are known to take sent previous members to SAD.

former DEVGRU member Matt Bissonnette
Former DEVGRU member Matt Bissonnette. Image:

It makes sense since both special ops units are considered the best of the best in the U.Due south. Military machine, and so naturally, the CIA is going to target those individuals.

SAD groups reportedly operate in half-dozen-member or smaller teams. It is also plausible that they may operate on their own during certain missions.

Though Lamentable is non considered a branch of the U.Southward. Armed services, they have actually worked side-by-side with DEVGRU and Delta Force in the past for very complicated and dangerous, still vital missions to U.S. security.

delta force members often become special activities division members
Delta Force plays a crucial role in U.S. Military operations. Paradigm: Wikimedia

For example, it's speculated that Special Activities Sectionalization members were directly involved in the set on (and subsequent decease of) Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

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Osama Bin Ladens compound in Pakistan
Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Epitome:

Along with onetime DEVGRU or Delta Force, it is believed that a few SAD operatives were recruited from inside the CIA.

Equally you can imagine, pick for SAD operatives, or more specifically Paramilitary Operations Officers is believed to be incredibly intense. But the most aristocracy, skilled, and decorated soldiers are considered for SAD recruitment.

Sorry Paramilitary Operations Officers are non but aristocracy soldiers but likewise extremely smart.

Information technology has been reported that many have advanced Master's and police degrees, and some accept come from some of the most esteemed universities in the world.

The CIA reportedly seeks candidates from Ivy League schools and United States Service Academies similar Westward Point and the US Naval Academy.

vi. Sad Recruitment and Training

cia sad
The CIA has training standards for the SAD unit. Paradigm: Flickr

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The secretive CIA division does not give abroad a ton on recruitment, rightfully and then.

What is known is that candidates to become operatives for Deplorable are trained across a number of different environments.

Information technology is believed that Paramilitary Operations Officers demand to exist able to work across the various branches of SAD, so they receive additional training after becoming accustomed as a full-fledged new recruit.

Therefore, it is reported that SAD and SOG specialists complete a combined arms covert grooming course together with specialized training (based on the branch) done on the side.

New SAD recruits arrive already very skilled, yet still must undergo even more than specialized and demanding training in club to cut it equally a Paramilitary Operations Officer.

"The Subcontract"

Arguably the most elite grouping of operatives in the world, Special Activities Division recruits reportedly brainstorm their training at Army camp Peary in Virginia.

Camp Peary visitors center
Camp Peary visitors center, Camp Peary, Virginia.

Military camp Peary is nicknamed "The Farm" for its reputation every bit a setting for special ops.

It is also believed that new recruits also may receive grooming at "The Indicate" in Harvey Point, a facility located near Hertford, North Carolina.

Recruits enter what is chosen the Secret Service Trainee (CST) plan. Recruits are trained on a wide range of modern as well as groundbreaking new weaponry, explosive devices, and firearms.

In aerial photos, you can come across the various racetracks that are used to teach prospective Special Activities Division members in defensive and offensive driving techniques.


They also receive advanced hand to hand combat training, techniques for avoiding anticipation, building explosives from common products, HAHO/HALO, parachuting, SCUBA, and closed-excursion diving.

The best description is they literally become "super soldiers".

In add-on to gainsay skills, operatives also are expected to be proficient in:

  • A number of foreign languages
  • Know how to break into a variety of different locks and vehicles
  • Survive in the wilderness for extended periods of time
  • Have EMS training
  • Track individuals through a variety of methods
  • Surveillance and reconnaissance
Examples of lock picking tools used during SAD training
Examples of lock picking tools used during Lamentable preparation. Image:

SAD requires recruits to undergo SERE, or Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape training.

They are also briefed on the latest in cyber-warfare and technology.

It has been reported that the motto for Deplorable/SOG Paramilitary Officers is Tertia Optio, or "Tertiary Option."

They must operate with "agility, adaptability, and deniability."

vii. Known Deplorable Missions

cia special activities division
Where has SAD been known to carry out top surreptitious missions in the past? Prototype:

Though every operation that SAD is a office of is highly covert, there are a few reported missions where information technology has been known they played a hand in the outcome.

It is important to remember that the identity of electric current SAD Paramilitary Operations Officers is not available.

In fact, the United States government may deny all cognition of their clan to the government in the event their identity gets compromised during a mission.

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However, there are some reported instances of Paramilitary Operations Officers receiving Distinguished Intelligence Cantankerous and Intelligence Star honors.

In fact, they account for the majority of these awards.

Former Pitiful and SOG operatives also account for the bulk of the stars displayed on the Memorial Wall at CIA headquarters that signal officers who died while on active duty.

CIA memorial wall. Image:

CIA has placed Special Operations Group operatives in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan and Republic of iraq.

In fact, they were reportedly the first American forces on the ground in Afghanistan post-nine/11.

Operatives reportedly collaborated with anti-Taliban forces during the early days of the conflict in Afghanistan equally they gathered intelligence on AL Qaeda and the Taliban, which helped present vital intelligence for subsequent airstrikes.

The CIA had a similar presence in Iraq prior to its official invasion by the U.Due south. War machine.

SAD teams gathered intelligence that was helpful in learning more than about Saddam Hussein'southward WMD program, as well as the terror grouping Ansar al Islam.

Additionally, information technology's believed they were instrumental in the capture of Saddam Hussein during Operation Red Dawn.

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capture of Saddam Hussein
It's believed SAD played a part in the capture of Saddam Hussein. Epitome:

During the invasion of Republic of iraq, Sad connected to work with Regular army Special Forces in the northern role of the state.

Their combined efforts resulted in Iraqi forces not being able to retreat southward in order to counter the main coalition.

CIA operatives were involved in the prisoner defection at Qala-i-Janghai, a bloody conflict that resulted in the loss of one Distressing officeholder – Johnny Micheal Spann.

Special Activities Division operatives were also involved with Pakistani forces in the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – a mastermind behind the September 11 attacks.

special activities division helped to capture khalid sheikh mohammed
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed shortly after his capture. Paradigm:

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Due to the secrecy and dangerous situations that Paramilitary Operations Officers meet, there is great interest in learning more near the mystifying arrangement.

There are some titles in the media that tin can present you with more data regarding Sorry:

9. Documentaries

  • CIA America's Secret Warriors
  • Wildlands: Episode Wolfpack CIA Deplorable
  • Counter-Intelligence
  • The Hole-and-corner Deaths of CIA Operatives: A Fascinating History of Espionage

10. Books

  • "First In: An Insider'south Account of How the CIA Spearheaded the War on Terror in Afghanistan" by Gary C. Schroen
  • "Ghost Wars: The Hole-and-corner History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September ten, 2001" past Steven Coll
  • "Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA" by John Prados
  • "The Bureau: The Rise and Pass up of the CIA" past John Ranelagh
  • "The Art of Intelligence: Lessons from a Life in CIA'due south Clandestine Services" past Henry A. Crumpton.

eleven. Movies

  • Jason Bourne
  • Cypher Dark Dirty
  • The Chase For Red October
  • The Good Sheppard
  • Ronin
  • Spy Game

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Quick Related Often Asked Questions

What is Special Activities Sectionalisation?

The Special Activities Division (SAD) is a special division of military operatives that work under the supervision of the Cardinal Intelligence Agency (CIA).

What does the Special Activities Partitioning do?

Pitiful is responsible for covert operations for the CIA, comprised of 2 divisions: Sad/SOG, for tactical paramilitary operations, and Sorry/PAG for covert political action.

Is the Special Activities Division part of the U.South. armed services?

While the Special Activities Sectionalisation is non part of the Usa war machine, they frequently contain old armed forces like Delta Force and DEVGRU and oftentimes work closely with these units on complicated missions.

How practice you become a CIA paramilitary?

CIA paramilitary positions require a bachelor'due south degree, experience in combat artillery or military special ops, and combat leadership skills. At that place is also an extended groundwork check, medical and psychological examination, and polygraph exam.

What does Special Activities Partition training entail?

Although their grooming is classified, it is known that they received preparation in foreign languages, wilderness survival, and EMT, as well as combat training, evasion, diving, and parachuting.

12. Conclusion

The Special Activities Division (SAD) is the most elite unit of measurement in the field of the Cardinal Intelligence Bureau (CIA). Its members, known as Paramilitary Operations Officers are part of the most secretive and discreet special ops arrangement in the United States.

Though non a ton is known about these highly classified operatives, information technology has been reported that they represent everything of the definition of a "super-soldier."

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Rob V.

Special Activities Division

Special Activities Division

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Learn more about the CIA Special Activities Division, or Pitiful. Includes details on the different branches, selection, grooming, and known missions.

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