cracked and yellow toenails

Non only is a croaky toenail painful, but it can also cause boosted issues that crave medical handling. However, the good news is that cracked toenails can not merely be treated, just also prevented. To avoid a painful or inconvenient cracked nail, read below for tips on treatment or making certain it never happens!

What are the causes of a croaky toenail?

At that place are numerous readers that nails, including toenails, become croaky.

  • Injury: The well-nigh common reason for a cracked toenail is injury. Stubbing your toe or dropping something on your foot is a surefire way to scissure a toenail.
    Bad pedicure: If you had a pedicure, and it was not sanitary or done correctly, you can end up with a cracked toenail. For instance, if your toenail is not filed correctly and you put on socks and shoes, the nail can go stuck and crack the nail. Worse instance, it begins to bleed and/or get infected.
  • Water: Water can take a cost on your nails. If you lot spend a lot of time in the water, your nails can become brittle and crack.
  • Length: If your toenails are long, they tin get hooked and crack.
  • Health: If you have certain wellness bug, your toenails could crevice as a event. For instance, if y'all have whatsoever type of infection, thyroid, kidney or liver illness, or even a vitamin deficiency, your toenails can accept some harm.

Can a cracked toenail heal itself?

The short answer is no. It cannot heal without intervention from its owner.

That's because if a smash gets separated from the nail bed, it volition gradually fall, and a new nail will grow in its place.

How can you fix a cracked nail at dwelling?

At that place are many steps yous can have to endeavour to correct your croaky toenail, particularly at abode. Before yous beginning whatsoever method, ensure you make clean and disinfect your toenail earlier beginning.

Larger cracks

  • Blast hardener: Add nail hardener to your nail scissure and let it dry. Continue to apply to mend the cleft.
  • Lightless gel: Apply lightless gel to your nail, specifically over the crevice. Spray activation cure on the same blast. Repeat the process.
  • Nail glue and silk: Place a silk wrap or strip over your blast. Add smash glue to the silk over your nail and let it set. Dip the smash in blast powder, dust off and dip again. Go along the dipping process until yous experience the nail is in place.
  • Nail mucilage and tea bags: Cutting the tea bag to the shape of your boom. Apply boom glue on the crevice and place the tea bag over information technology. Allow information technology dry.
  • Boom glue and acrylic nails: Apply glue and add an acrylic nail over your damaged toenail. Allow it to dry.

Smaller cracks

If you lot accept a tiny crack, you can use nail polish to effort to seal it or file the scissure down to brand it even. However, any larger cracks should be remedied with the above methods or with medical attention.

cracked and peeling toe nail

When does your croaky toenail require medical concern?

When in doubt regarding the severity of your crevice, it might be best to seek medical attending to avoid infection or farther impairment. However, if you experience hurting for a few days, blood accumulation, pus, blueish/royal discoloration, or white spots, you need to run into a medico — specifically a podiatrist. These can be signs of boosted, nevertheless unknown damage or an infection.

What are the medical treatments to fix a cracked toenail?

If you decide to see medical treatment, at that place are a few steps that the doctor may have you have. Depending on the severity of the injury, the podiatrist may start with basic starting time aid such equally cleaning the wound and applying pressure to bleeding. If the blast is in good shape, you may only demand some ointment and a bandage.

Withal, if the wound is more severe, you may need antibiotics or treatment to relieve pressure. To rule out farther injury, you may demand an x-ray to decide the extent of the injury and decide on the farther course of action.

How do you lot foreclose boom cracking?

There are very basic steps you tin accept to avoid croaky toenails.

  • Care. Taking skillful care of your pare and nails is the top manner to proceed your nails from cracking. Being aware of the correct way to shape and file your nails (non into points, buff along the growth) provides your nails with the ability to grow in a good for you manner and not be prone to cracks.
  • Pedicures. If you're going to get a pedicure, brand sure you go to someone extremely reputable and licensed. This non only will give you a good pedicure but likewise ensure you do not get an infection. If y'all practice your own (or you can enquire the technician), add boom hardener to further protect your toenails.
  • Nutrition. Nutrition for your body is key. Eating healthy strengthens your nails and prevents cracking. Consider eating more foods and beverages with calcium, omega 3 fatty acids, fe, and antioxidants to heave nail health. Additionally, add extra nutrients to your nails past soaking them in kokosnoot or argan oil. Keep your nails soaked in water to a minimum.

If you accept a cracked toenail, don't hesitate. Requite usa a telephone call or schedule an appointment and so we tin examine and set you upwards for cracked toenail treatment. Podiatrist Dr. Jeff Pawlowski and the team at Scarlet Mountain Footcare in Mesa, AZ treat each and every patient with care and business to get you back on track as quickly equally possible.

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